Start Rek

Just watch Start Rek in a cheaper cinema (I usually go to the one in downtown which costs about $12 or $13, this one - which I doubt many people know of - is $8 for students). Was feeling pretty tired - due to lack of sleep (surprise!) but gotta admit the movie was pretty good. One of best way to judge how good a movie is is by how much more awake you are after the movie. This one did the job alright.

One thing that I like about the film is that the humour was tastefully done. When I first saw that Asian guy who was in Harold & Kumar (and later Simon Pegg) I was preparing myself for some dumbed down scenes - I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was none.

Zachary Quinto was not bad at all as a logical being who only betrays his emotion subtly - and I have to say the provocation scene where he just let loose was pretty good, the provocation itself was a bit meh. Kirk feels a bit more generic - the rebellious genius who finally comes to his senses. The female characters weren't that prominent as well.

All in all, it was a pretty good film, in that it didn't sacrifice believability for epicness/heroism. The plot was ok-ok, the theme of revenge and wasn't as thought-provoking as Dark Knight. But yeah, go watch it, you'll probably like it.


p/s: zomgz why did they make Rachel Nichols so ugly!?

1 lalalas:

  1. yes. i love star trek too!!!
    n rachel nicols isn't ugly. she's just green that's all. hehe.