My Days (In Vancouver) are Numbered

Things in life work in a strange way. Life has been pretty mundane without some external motivation. I have verified the theory that if nothing is pushing me (e.g. exams, competition with another person) I hardly move - probably applies to a lot of people too.

The slightly more tangible things I have done so far would be finishing Elfen Lied and Death Note (manga) and I watched Machine Girl on crunchyroll (very brutal. very gory. Audience are advised to view on their own discretion). Talking about Elfen Lied, I actually thought that the anime was better, surprisingly. It is very likely because in the manga, the author keeps prolonging some character's life until the shock/pity factor wears out. It is also a convolution of many different genres - horror, suspense, ecchi, love - which is interesting sometimes but a lot of times the mundane elements get the upperhand. The third reason why the manga was not as good is because of the absence of the audio effect. Part of why the anime was moving is because they have good voice actors, hence the manga lost some of the emotional appeal.

Moving to Death Note. I re-read it from scratch after abandoning it halfway a long time ago. [Spoiler] The early volumes were good, where Kira-L rivalry was the main focus. After Kira/Light/Raito gave up his death notes and subsequently his memory of the death notes, things were pretty dull until we see what Light's scheme was. The death of L caused quite a stir. Then it was Light-Mello-Near battle which somehow didn't feel that impressive. It seemed kind of dumber. Maybe Light just got overconfident but at that point onwards the manga lost a part of what initially appealed to me the most - the intellectual and psychological battle.

Anyway back to the main topic, so I was just hanging around my friend's place as usual and eventually decide to try to learn PHP/MySQL. Then just right at the time I found a good book on the topic and was going to lose myself in the world wide web, I got an email from NUS (what a downer!) that my application has been processed (at least partly processed) and I might be able to start co-op on June 1. The problem (maybe just a minor problem) is, I have taken a class (restropectively it was a rash decision) which only ends at June 13th so I probably have to delay work by 2 weeks (and seeing that it has already been delayed a month - I was supposed to start in May, ideally - I don't know if I should do that). On the other hand, withdrawing from my course now would leave a 'W' on my transcript - I am not exactly sure what that would do to my prestige (not that I have much left)

So I have been staying up trying to figure things out, emailing people about questions, writing down things I ought to do before leaving Vancouver etc. I have already failed to do what I originally intended anyways, now it would just be damage control. I should probably get some sleep now.

0 lalalas: