Current status: Homeless and jobless

What did I do today? I carried a backpack full of books - I think there were 20+ of them - to a few 2nd hand bookstores to sell them off, dirt cheap. To my chagrin/surprise, I only managed to sell less than 10 of them. Some that I thought would sell for sure - Silence of the Lambs, Lost World, Hamlet, etc. didn't interest them at all. So I made a new post on Craigslist to sell them.

It has been almost a week since my exile, and so far I have sold one fridge, one Math textbook, and some fictions which constitutes less than 1% of all the things I have right now. Funny how things that you hold dear can be totally worthless in other people's eyes. I also learned about the difficulty in selling stuff. You see, some people expressed interest in some of the stuff, and that they tell you on the phone that they were coming today to pick it up. And what happened? They disappeared, no explanation, nothing. There was another guy (who later bought my Math book) gave me a useless phone number that he doesn't even use. I decided to take a class yesterday so I called him with that number (no answer), left a text message (no reply), and sent an email (only got a reply 7-8 hours later) to change meeting time. In the end, I guess he just missed all of them and waited for me at the original meeting time. I waited for him during my proposed meeting time and not too surprising, he didn't show up. I was expectedly quite annoyed. If people ask you for your freaking phone number, you give one that people can actually get to you if there's change in plans, not some phone that you never answer!

Another thing that frustrates me is how long people take to answer emails. I can understand if they don't sit in front of a laptop most of the time (like me, since I'm busy selling my worthless possessions) but if it takes you a day to answer a simple email most of the time it puts me in this dilemma: Ok, this guy hasn't answered my email for 9 hours, but he seemed to be interested in this fridge, but the other one gave me her phone number and says she can pick up in 2 hours time, so what do I do? In the end, I just make up their mind, I give priority to those who can make up their mind and get things off my hand instead of those who asked the first but are tardy in replying emails.

I should probably zip it and suck it up. Next post is about Wolverine.

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